Monday, December 28, 2009

To whom you'll call ' Bad '....

What does the word 'Bad' puts first impression on you? Does it simply means avoiding good thing or something more worst than this? Many a time you might have seen or even felt that if anyone doesn't performs what we want from him he becomes bad for us. But is it the right attitude? If not than what's the right attitude? Any guesses.......

I have one which I want to share with you. In my opinion in this world nothing is good or bad, only the way of our thinking makes it so. Let's take an example of a boy who is so apprehensive and quite shy of doing things in front of others. When he was asked for attempting a question in front of whole class, he couldn't do so........... not even was able to write...... So, what do you think is he bad? But I don't think so.... If he is not knowing the answer then is he bad?... Is his future dull?... Is he going to spoil the future?... Absolutely no.... A single academic question cannot decide our future... If he is not knowing then it's not a big task.. Do you can do what he can do perfectly? Obviously no...

So, in nutshell I mean to say that everyone has his own destiny.. Everyone has his own future... Everyone has his own way of taking life... Everyone has his own way of learning... Everyone has his own dreams... Everyone has his own way to be different... We can't do anything except motivating... So, finally what do you say... " Is anyone bad or our thoughts make them so...? ". I don't know whether my thoughts have influenced you or not.. But I still say no one is bad or good...

Please give your precious 5 minutes on this... May it can change you....


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